
I've enjoyed a long and eclectic career in corporate, creative, academic, and community sectors. This range of experience informs my roles as a writer of creative and literary non-fiction, a copy editor of texts and a designer of books, and a social researcher of people and places, past and present. 

As both freelance consultant to my clients and creative director of my personal pursuits, my work comprises three portfolios: Projects, Writings, and Archives. While all three engage my passion for assembling words and pictures and true stories, each portfolio maintains a distinct focus.

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projects | creating content

The Projects Portfolio involves 'creating content' with my creative and professional clients as we collaborate in preparing their visual and textual materials for print.

writings | cultivating story

The Writings Portfolio embraces 'cultivating story' in my non-fiction works, which combine qualitative research with academic, literary, &/or creative genres.

archives | collecting data

The Archives Portfolio involves 'collecting data' both to recover family artifacts and anecdotes and to restore the richness of familial and ancestral narratives.




Creative Non-fiction | Literary Memoir

Betsy Warland, Mentor & Consultant

Vancouver Manuscript Intensive (VMI)



Certificate, Creative Non-fiction | Literary Memoir 

Charlie Demers, Mentor, Non-fiction Cohort

The Writers' Studio, Continuing Studies

Simon Fraser University (SFU)



PhD, Social & Educational Studies

Dissertation: Rewriting Resilience: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Comprehensive Examinations Passed With Distinction

Multi-disciplinary Studies

University of British Columbia (UBC)



BA, Conferred With High Distinction

Double-specialist in Sociology & Women's Studies

Inter-disciplinary & Cross-cultural Studies

Graduating Address, Woodsworth College

University of Toronto (UofT)


High School Graduation (by the skin of my teeth)

West Vancouver Senior Secondary School (WVSS)


2010s and forever ...










School-age Jobs


university of toronto

1988–93: Undergraduate Studies | Awards & Scholarships

1993 Governor General’s Academic Medals Program

1993 Jacob & Jennie Rosenberg Award, Sociology

1993 Gabe & Pearl Blackman Award, Sociology

1992 McNab Scholarship, Department of Sociology

1992 Women’s Studies Scholarship, City of Toronto

1992 Academic Award, Woodsworth College

1991 J.W. Billes Academic Scholarship, Woodsworth College

1991 Outstanding Academic Achievement, APUS

198893 Faculty Scholar, Deans List, Arts & Science

university of british columbia

1993–99: Graduate & Post-graduate Studies | Awards & Fellowships

199899 Graduate Fellowship, Educational Studies

199798 Fellowship, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada

199697 Fellowship, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada

199698 Graduate Fellowship, Educational Studies

199596 Graduate Fellowship, Educational Studies

199495 Graduate Fellowship, Educational Studies

199495 R. Howard Webster Fellowship, Green College

1994 Gender Equity Award, BC Ministry of Education

199394 Graduate Fellowship, Educational Studies